As a skin care professional, you know that there's no such thing as too much demand. But what if we could provide your clients with more than just great looking and healthy-looking skin? What would happen then is anyone’s guess! Well thanks to PuraPeel, this one device makes money fast because it's about more than just great looking, healthy skin. It’s an experience! A feeling of being pampered and confident in your own beauty which will boost any client's confidence walking into your clinic - women or men alike-as they receive instant results plus longer term improvements on their skins health. With 5 star support for business features unique strategies & tools ensuring quick ROI

Why You Should Offer PuraPeel at your Salon or Clinic
With PuraPeel you can offer your clients a wide variety of treatments that will meet their needs. Whether it's from the sun or other sources like pollution and stress; we have a solution for every type! You'll be able take on new customers with our immediate results coupled by no downtime periods so they come back often because not only do people love how quickly things work with this device but also what value there is in getting a PuraPeel treatment versus any other treatment where one may spend money without getting all these benefits.

A Treatment your client's want to come back for.
The Pura Peel device may be one of the smartest revenue generating technology investments you can make. Not only does it provide affordable and immediate results, but its ability to engage new customers with personalized care makes this treatment stand out from other similar treatments on offer in your area - providing increased return for both client AND Business!

Is PuraPeel the right fit for your Business?
What do you get when someone takes away all the hassle and confusion from owning a capital equipment investment? PuraPeel, of course! With our easy-to use system that's backed by our trusted customer service team (and only sold through us), there are no surprises or hidden costs. All your questions will be answered before purchase; we make sure to answer them often so they don't come up later on. Pura Peel is a great investment for any skin care practice. The device provides immediate results, which keep your customers coming back on an ongoing basis and makes it the focal point of their treatment plan- increasing both profit growth across all treatments as well as attracting new clients due to its affordable price tag compared with other similar offerings from competitors.
Need more info? Have a representative contact you today by filling out our contact form.
Or give us a call on 02 8915 6280.